Tower of the King's Daughter

The keys to the kingdom of Outremer, in the fantasy series as in history, are the castles, towering over the surrounding country, captured first by one side then the other as the struggle for the land progressed. The castle of the Roq de Rançon is at the heart of Tower of the King's Daughter in more ways than one: Chaz Brenchley answers the ever-popular question "Where do you get your ideas from?" with the story of how, musing on the history of Outremer, he found himself in a bookshop, studying a plan of the castle of Krak des Chevaliers. One of the towers was named as the "Tower of the King's Daughter", a name that so caught his imagination that, by the time he had walked home, he knew the name and structure, not only of his first volume, but also of the three which would follow it. So it seems appropriate to explore Tower of the King's Daughter and its historical background with the aid of a plan of Krak des Chevaliers:

Plan of the Castle

This does not exactly match the layout of the Roq de Rançon, but functions as a rough guide to where the action of Tower of the King's Daughter takes place. Visit this site by clicking within the different areas of the plan, or on the listed links below.

Feast of the King's Shadow menu

Read the Book

The First Book of Outremer is published in the UK as Tower of the King's Daughter. In the US, the same book is published as two volumes, The Devil in the Dust and Tower of the King's Daughter. Use the Amazon links below to buy these books; or, if your local book shop does not stock copies, use the information provided to order them.

In the UK

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Tower of the King's Daughter

In the US

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  • The Devil in the Dust
  • ISBN: 0 - 441 - 01071 - 7
  • published by ACE (Penguin Putnam)
  • "superb characterisation and worldbuilding" - reviewed by Jules Jones
  • reviewed in Sigma by Larry Ivkovich:
    "If you like slow tension and intrigue and well-developed world-building, this is recommended. Brenchley's prose is crisp and descriptive and his characterizations are nicely done. The last quarter of the book finally cuts loose and the ending left me wanting to see what will happen next in the second volume,"
  • Reviewed in Emerald City.
The Devil in the Dust
  • Tower of the King's Daughter
  • ISBN: 0 - 441 - 01080 - 6
  • published by ACE (Penguin Putnam)
  • Reviewed in Rambles by Dana Fletcher:
    "Reading this second of the six-book series is a joy ...
    Every character walks, talks, thinks and acts believably. It is full of passages that yield gems on the periphery of awareness. It is a world I know and understand and though I've never been there would still say it is well worth visiting."
  • Reviewed in Emerald City.
Tower of the King's Daughter

To menus for Feast of the King's Shadow and Hand of the King's Evil

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Main Door Tower Stables Ramp Tower Baths Stables Moat Square Tower South-west Tower The Tower of the King's Daughter Tower Courtyard Corridor Vaulted Room Long Room Latrines Oven Well Pillars Room Warehouse Warehouse Warehouse, Armoury Chapel Guards' Quarters Out into the desert... Plan of the Castle